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Quantitative Research refers to the investigation of social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or numerical data or computational techniques. Quantitative Research is essentially about collecting numerical data to explain a particular phenomenon, like particular questions seem immediately suited to being answered using quantitative methods. CBC Marketing Research is one of the top market research companies in China, India and Asian subcontinent. We provide quantitative research analytical techniques like CATI, Webcati, CAWI and Central Location Tests (Clts). We are Quantitative Market Research Company which excel in all the techniques ranging from the new age CATI to the age old, tried and tested Clts. We can proudly boast of having a vast range of International Research Clients. At CBC Marketing Research, we follow a very rigorous process to define a particular problem and then acting upon it by finding a solution which is a trustworthy methodology in Market Research.

CBC Marketing Research has got well-trained and highly efficient people researching and provides a complete analysis at a lower cost than the numerous outsourced analyses. The process that we follow here is highly effective and you will know the difference once you talk to us.


CBC Marketing Research is one of the leading Cati Market Research Companies in China. Many findings from qualitative research can be tested or quantified using telephone interviews. MORE





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